New rules for exposition of Personalized Stamps
The Royal Dutch Association of Philatelist Clubs (KBNF) announced in the monthly "Filatelie" Magazine from July/August 2009 that it has decided to broaden the use of PERSONALIZED STAMPS in exhibits. This will be further elaborated in a guideline for the judgement of exhibits.
I have tried to elucidate these rules with some examples. The rules are aimed on the use of Personalized Stamps in a competitive exhibit, and surely not on what you have in your collection at home. During the Postex 2009 a club has been started for collectors of Personalized Stamps.
New is that Personalized stamps that have been issued after the first (Dutch) issue in 2003, and have been generally available, or at least could be ordered through the Philatelic Service, may be included in exhibits.

Years 50-60-70
2008 Solex '50

Years 50-60-70
2008 Puch '60

Hist. Postfahrzeuge
2007 Postbüchel 1908
New is that all Personalized December (Christmas) stamps that have been issued by TNT Post may be included.
Further it is new that Personalized Stamps that have been included in so-called "Prestige Booklets" can be used in exhibits, both the complete booklet or the stamp only.


Austria 2006 - Feuerwehr stamps and frontpage of booklet



Netherlands 2008 - stamps and frontpage of booklet |
New is also that Personalized Stamps that have been issued on the initiative of e.g. philatelists clubs are permitted, albeit maximum 2 in a frame and with a clear mention that it is a Personalized Stamp that has been issued by this organization (with, if possible, the date of issue and number of the edition).



Stamp club Etten-Leur
2009 Harley day 2009 |
Motor Philatelists Netherlands
23-08-2007 20yr jubilee Oct. 2009 Club day
Personalized Stamps that have been ordered by private persons with their own image are still not allowed in exhibits.

Netherlands 2009
Christmas stamp
privat person

Austria 2009
Remembrance stamp family day

Norway 2006
Suzuki Savage 650
own motorcycle of privat person
However, postal items with such a stamp can be included in an exhibit (only) because of a postmark or postal characteristic feature.
Nico Helling
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