Echo-cards Japan

I'm just guessing that almost everyone has at least one Echo card in his collection. These are the Japanese pre-stamped cards with advertising at the bottom.

Japanse Echo-kaart met motorfiets afbeelding

In 1981, to be precise on July 7th when the first card was issued, the Japanese Post started this system. Each card is pre-franked, as mentioned, by means of an imprinted stamp. Over time, there have been 17 different imprinted stamps. In the first Echo card usable for our collection, the stamp is "band of infinity". Despite the fact that the different stamps followed each other regularly, this stamp has almost lived up to its name. Started in 1994, as the 14th stamp in the series, it lasted until 2014 when it was succeeded.

Japanse Echo-kaart naar Groot-Brittannië met bijfrankering
Echo-card to Great Britain, additional 30 Yen franking by extra stamps

Why the name Echo card? When the Japanese Ministry of Posts had to choose a name for this type of advertising postal stationery, it came up with the name "Echo". Or "Eco" in Japanese. "Like an echo in the mountains", that's how the ministry imagined the advertisement on the card would roll out across the country. In addition, the word Eco also refers to the abbreviation of the word economy. Economic in the sense of saving, which you do by using the discounted cards. The imprinted stamp had a postage value of 40 Yen but the card was sold for 35 Yen. This was because the advertising took up space that could not be used by the sender. Later Echo cards were sold for 36 Yen (imprinted value 41 Yen) and 45 Yen (imprinted value 50 Yen).

They quickly became very popular. Probably because the cards were sold at a reduced rate. In 1999, 983 different Echo cards were issued.
After that, it slowly went downhill, but echo cards are still being issued.

But suddenly a card appeared with imprinted stamp with value 41 + 4?

Japanse Echo-kaart met waarde 41+4 Yen

The price of this card at the counter was only 40 Yen. The previously discussed Echo cards have a discount of 5 Yen: value 40 Yen with a sales price of 35 Yen. This new card has a value of 41 Yen (+4) with a sales price of 40 Yen. Thus only 1 Yen discount. Where do those 4 Yen go? The extra 4 Yen paid by the buyer go to the environment!!!
This type of Echo card is therefore also called "Green Echo Card" or "Green Echo Card".

If there are members who can read and understand Japanese well, there is the possibility of buying a Japanese catalogue containing all Echo cards, with the various leaflets and descriptions of the advertisements.
Interested: Narumi Stamp Cataloque 1981-2000, published 2021, Y. Suzuki, Narumi Press, ISBN 978-4-86355-099-5.

PS: The dates mentioned in the Postal Stationery Catalogue for the various images of the Japanese Echo cards seem to be in need of revision.

Some Echo-cards with another stamp imprint:

Japanse Echo-kaart met motorfiets afbeelding

Japanse Echo-kaart met motorfiets afbeelding

Japanse Echo-kaart met motorfiets afbeelding

Japanse Echo-kaart met motorfiets afbeelding

Japanse Echo-kaart

Japanse Echo-kaart met motorfiets afbeelding


Nico Helling

Source: article Themafila, K. Bracke
Images: collection N. Helling



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