Privacy policy MFN
Note: This page contains an English translation of the original text in Dutch, just for information. In case of differences in meaning, the Dutch text prevails over the English translation.
In this privacy policy is explained how the "Dutch Motorcycle Philatelists club" (further abbreviated to MFN) handles private information of its members and eventual other parties concerned.
Responsible for the observance of the privacy rules is the MFN committee.
At subscription of new members they will be asked to explicitly declare to agree with the MFN privacy policy. For existing members it is assumed that they agree when they have not objected within 1 month after publication of this policy in the MFN mailing of May 25th 2018.
Personal data and purpose of their processing
The MFN collects only those personal data from its members that are required for execution of the club's tasks, as laid down in the MFN constitution. These data are:
- First and last name
- Address
- Telephone number(s)
- E-mail address
- Date of birth (for majority check of new members)
- Payment data of the annual membership fee (IBAN/account number only on bank statements)
These data are only kept by the MFN committee members, in such a way that they are reasonably protected against unpermitted access by third parties.
Passing of personal data to third parties
The MFN does not pass personal data of members to third parties.
Privacy rights
Every member of whom personal data are registered has the right on:
- Inspection
- Rectification
- Oblivion
Personal data on MFN website
On the MFN website no personal data of members are registered. Exceptions to this are:
- Contact details of committee members
- Classified ads placed by members themselves, which require contact details for eventually interested people; these data are only visible after logging in to the website, and thereby only accessible for MFN members and eventual other parties concerned (such to be determined by the committee)
- Eventually contact details that are mentioned by the members themselves in articles they send in for publication
Passwords for logging in to the website are only stored in coded form. This implies that passwords are not visible for anybody.
Cookies on MFN website
On the MFN website no use is made of so-called Cookies (small, data containing files) for which approval must be requested according to the Dutch "Cookie law" (especially tracking- and advertisement cookies).
Only 1 functional Cookie is used to track that the user has logged in. For functional cookies no approval has to be asked according to the Cookie law.
Registration use of MFN website
To check for abuse of and breaking in to the MFN website a limited amount of data of the website users is registered:
- Date and time of logging in, including login name
- Number of failed login attempts since the last successful login, including login name
- Sometimes, during a limited period, the moment of requesting a certain files or series of files, and the IP number plus provider name of the requester
Data from which it can be directly tracked who has requested which files will never be registered.
User data of the website are only accessible to the web administrators, and will not be made available for third parties.
Shipment of e-mail newsletters
The MFN reserves the right to send as service e-mail newsletters with non-commercial content to members and other parties concerned.
For this mailing service "MailChimp" is used. Only
the e-mail address of the addressees is put to their disposal. Addressees can easily unsubscribe for the newsletter by clicking on the related link in the bottom part of the newsletter.
For the MailChimp privacy policy
is referred to the website of this service provider (
Removal of personal data
All personal data are removed at the latest 2 years after termination of the membership.
For further questions in relation to the privacy policy of the MFN you can contact the secretary.
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